Recent Activities

Haixing Miao:Kilohertz Gravitational Wave Detectors


Title:Kilohertz Gravitational Wave Detectors

Speaker:Haixing Miao 缪海兴

Time:1:30pm, Nov. 11, 2021 (Thursday)

Location:New Science Building 理科楼 C302

Abstract:Gravitational wave (GW) detections have opened up a new window for astronomy and broadened the scope of gravitational physics and high-energy astrophysics. Many GW events from compact binaries have been detected, including the famous binary neutron star event GW170817. This is the first joint detection with both GWs and electromagnetic waves and has revolutionized our understanding of neutron star physics and the origin of heavy elements. However, we have not observed the (post)merger part of this event due to the current detector sensitivity limitations. The Advanced LIGO and Virgo are most sensitive around a hundred Hz, while the merger signals happen at several kHz. This talk will introduce recent results on kHz GW detectors: (1) we can potentially achieve one order of magnitude improvement of Advanced LIGO sensitivity around kHz by using quantum measurement techniques; (2) the optimal arm length for the kHz detectors is around 20km, which provides a new opportunity for a Chinese ground-based GW detector, filling the gap between the Einstein Telescope (10km) and Cosmic Explorer (40km).
