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Jing WAng:Magnetic topological insulator with a new twist


报告题目:Magnetic topological insulator with a new twist

报告人:Jing Wang (王靖), Fudan University

报告时间:2021-10-12 10:00AM

报告地点:物理系理科楼 C302

简介:The interplay between band topology and magnetism give rise to a variety of exotic quantum states, including the quantum anomalous Hall effect, axion insulator, and chiral superconducting state. Take MnBi2Te4 as a concrete example, we briefly illustrate the quantum anomalous Hall effect is realized in odd layer; and propose how to measure the non-quantized part of topological magnetoelectric effect in even layer. We theoretically propose two systems exhibits highly tunable isolated flat Chern bands where correlated topological states may be realized, one is the twisted bilayer MnBi2Te4, the other is the twisted magnetic surface states. If time permits, we will present the study on the dissipative edge transport in disordered axion insulator film, which would explain the recent transport and imaging experiments in this system.