Recent Activities

Ellis Ye Yuan :Bootstrapping AdS Gluons and Gravitons at Loop Level


Title: Bootstrapping AdS Gluons and Gravitons at Loop Level

Speaker: Ellis Ye Yuan (袁野) (Zhejiang University)

Time: 10:30 am, Sep 12 (Tuesday) 2023

Location: 理科楼C302

Abstract: I will describe our recent works on the analytic bootstrap study on the perturbative four-point scattering of super gravitons and super gluons on the AdS spacetime background, which yields new results at one and two loops.

Bio: Ellis Ye Yuan (袁野) is a tenure-track assistant professor in the School of Physics, Zhejiang University. He recieved his PhD in 2015 in Perimeter Institute and the University of Waterloo, after which he worked in the Institute for Advanced Study as a postdoctoral member. He joined Zhejiang University in 2018. His research interests focus on various aspects of scattering amplitudes as well as conformal correlators.