Recent Activities

Gerrit Ernst Wilhem Bauer:物理系colloquium:Magnonics and Ferronics



物理系colloquium:Magnonics and Ferronics


Gerrit Ernst Wilhem Bauer

Chair Professor at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Science,

Professor and PI at the Advanced Institute of Material Science of Tohoku University


2023-09-21 16:00






The duality between electric and magnetic dipoles in electromagnetism only partly applies to condensed matter. In particular, the elementary excitations of the magnetic and ferroelectric orders, namely magnons and ferrons, respectively, have received asymmetric attention from the condensed matter community. I will introduce and summarize the basic physics of the budding field of “ferronics” [1] in comparison with the advanced field of magnonics [2] at the hand of recent developments.

[1] G.E.W. Bauer, P. Tang, R. Iguchi, J. Xiao, K. Shen, Z. Zhong, T. Yu, S.M. Rezende, J.P. Heremans, and K. Uchida, A Perspective on Ferrons, submitted to Phys. Rev. Appl., .

[2] T. Yu, C. Cai, and G.E.W. Bauer, Chirality Enables Thermal Magnon Transistors,

About the speaker: Gerrit Ernst Wilhem Bauer (born in 1956) was raised in the Münsterland, Germany. He studied chemical engineering at Twente University in the Netherlands (M.Sc. 1980), experimental physics at the Hahn-Meitner Institute in Berlin (Ph.D. 1984) and theoretical physics as a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Tokyo. He spent 6 years at the corporate Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven (NL). He became professor in Theoretical Physics at Delft University of Technology in 1992, at the Tohoku University in Japan in 2011, and at the UCAS in China in 2022. He is presently Chair Professor at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Science in Beijing as well as Professor and PI at the Advanced Institute of Material Science of Tohoku University on a shared basis. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and The Japan Society of Applied Physics. He received among others the Humboldt Research Award 2023. His published oeuvre in (mainly) theoretical condensed matter physics can be found under his Researcher ID F-8273-2010.