Recent Activities

Yu-Cheng Qiu :High-quality axions in a class of chiral U(1) gauge theories


Title: High-quality axions in a class of chiral U(1) gauge theories

Speaker: Yu-Cheng Qiu (SJTU)

Time: Oct 19 (Thursday) 2pm

Location: 理科楼C302


There are many candidates for the quintessence and/or the QCD axions in a class of chiral U(1) gauge theories. Their qualities are high enough to serve as the dark energy and/or to solve the strong CP problem. Interestingly, the high quality of axion is guaranteed by the gauged U(1) and Z2N symmetries and hence free from the non-perturbative quantum gravity corrections. Furthermore, this mechanism can be easily applied to the Fuzzy dark matter axion scenarios. Interestingly, the introduction of extra dimension would drastically simplify the model.


Dr. Qiu Yu-cheng graduated from Soochow University with his bachelor’s degree in 2017 followed by his PhD in The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2022. Currently he holds a postdoctoral position at Tsung-Dao Lee Institute at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research mainly focuses on particle theory and cosmology, with special interests in baryon-number violation, cosmological tensions and string compactification phenomenology. Recently, he works on the axion quality problem and neutrino mixing.