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姚裕贵:物理系colloquium: Recent progress in anomalous Hall effect in ferromagnetsand antiferromagnets



物理系colloquium: Recent progress in anomalous Hall effect in ferromagnetsand antiferromagnets





2023-10-26 16:00






The anomalous Hall effect (AHE) is a fundamental phenomenon related to magnetism in solid-state physics, in which a transverse voltage drop is induced by a longitudinal electric field [1, 2]. Although the effect was well known in ferromagnets for more than a century, it was recently found in antiferromagnets as well. In this talk, I will review the history and latest progress of the AHE in both ferromagnets and antiferromagnets. First, I will show that ferromagnetic MF3 (M = Pd, Mn) are high-quality nodal chain spin-gapless topological semimetals with 100% spin-polarized transport properties [3, 4]. The dominant intrinsic origin is found to originate entirely from the gapped nodal chains without the entanglement of any other trivial bands. The side-jump mechanism is predicted to be negligibly small, but the skew scattering enhances the intrinsic Hall and Nernst signals significantly. Second, I will present the spin-chirality-dependent anomalous Hall and Nernst effects in coplanar noncollinear antiferromagnets Mn3XN (X = Ga, Zn, Ag, and Ni) [5], as well as the topological magneto-optical effects and their quantization in noncoplanar antiferromagnets γ-FexMn1−x and K0.5RhO2 [6]. Beyond ferromagnetism and noncollinear antiferromagnets, collinear antiferromagnets with PT symmetry can surprisingly host the AHE, as well as other anomalous transport effects. Lastly, I will discuss an unconventional AHE via the spin-canting effect induced by the in-plane magnetic field in PT-symmetric antiferromagnetic systems, such as the well-known Dirac semimetal CuMnAs and a heterodimensional VS2-VS superlattice [7].

[1] Yao et al., PRL 92, 037204 (2004); PRB 75, 020401(R)(2007).

[2] Nagaosa et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 82, 1539 (2010).

[3] Zhang et al., PRL 124, 016402 (2020).

[4] Zhou et al., PRL 129, 097201 (2022).

[5] Zhou et al., PRB 99, 104428 (2019); PRM 4, 024408 (2020).

[6] Feng et al., Nat. Commun. 11, 118 (2020); Yang et al., PRB 106, 174427 (2022).

[7] Cao et al., PRL 130, 166702 (2023); Zhou et al., Nature 46, 609 (2022); PRB 108, 085120 (2023).

