Recent Activities

Linhua Jiang:A Magellan M2FS Spectroscopic Survey of Galaxies at Redshift >= 6


Abstract:High-redshift (z >= 6) star-forming galaxies are a natural tool to study the early galaxy evolution and explore the history of cosmic reionization. In this talk, I will present our recent work on our understanding of these high-redshift galaxies. In particular, I will introduce our on-going program that uses Magellan M2FS to spectroscopically identify a large number of galaxies at 5.5 alpha emitting galaxies at z = 5.7 and 6.6. This is the largest sample of its kind so far. We are using this unique sample to study a variety of galaxy properties and their implications to cosmic reionization. I will show a few examples of current results, including Lyman-alpha luminosity function, Lyman-alpha emission halos, protoclusters of galaxies, etc.