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Masato Shiozawa:The Hyper-Kamiokande project


Abstract:Astrophysical black hole candidates might be horizonless exotic The Super-Kamiokande detector has been providing fascinating results in particle physics and astrophysics over more than 20 years, most notably the discovery of neutrino oscillation which was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics. The Hyper-Kamiokande or Hyper-K, as a straightforward extension of the Super-Kamiokande, will provide major new capabilities to make new discoveries in particle and astroparticle physics thanks to an order of magnitude increase in detector mass and improvements in photon-detection system along with the envisioned J-PARC Megawatt-class neutrino beam. The Hyper-K and J-PARC neutrino beam measurement of neutrino oscillation is more likely to provide a 5-sigma discovery of CP violation than any other existing experiment. Hyper-K will also be the world leader for nucleon decays. The sensitivity to the partial lifetime of protons for the decay modes of p→ e+ π0 is expected to exceed 10^35 years. Finally, the astrophysical neutrino program involves precision measurement of solar neutrinos and their matter effects, high-statistical Supernova burst and Supernova relic neutrinos. The Hyper-K is expected to start operation in 2027.